Zan par, Tibetan wooden moulds. A focused and enriched bibliography. And where ?

In working on this list of books, I tried to follow serious bibliographic criteria.

I am sure I did not succeed in doing so and I do apologize.

I listed both books personally consulted and texts that I judge relevant to the theme.

When possible, even if not ritual in scientific papers, I pointed out pages and plates specifically devoted to the zan par.

I believe that today, apart from the books written in Far Eastern languages that I cannot read,
there is no other bibliography so focused and offering such accurate directions
for a rapid identification in a book of pages and plates devoted to the zan par.

Any rectification, suggestion and proposal for new entries to make this bibliography truly exhaustive
is and will always be deeply appreciated.
Each contributor will be awarded with due copyrights and generous libations of Venetian ombre.


Allen, N.J. (1974) The Ritual Journey: a Pattern Underlying Certain Nepalese Rituals,
in Fürer-Haimendorf, C. von (ed.) “Contributions to the Anthropology of Nepal”, Warminster, pp. 6-22.

Barnett, R. (2012) Notes on Contemporary Ransom Rituals in Lhasa,
in Buffetrille, K. (ed.) “Revisiting Rituals in a Changing Tibetan World”, Leiden. pp. 273-374, (plate 9, p. 301).

Beer, R. (1999) The Encyclopedia of Tibetan Symbols and Motifs. Boston.

Beguin, G. (1977)  Dieux  et Demons de l’Himalaya, Paris.

Bellino, F. (1999) Gli stampi rituali, in Mancini, P. (ed.) “Himalaya Magica”, Bologna.

Berounsky, D. (ed.) (2014) Mongolo-Tibetica Pragensia ’14. Linguistics, Ethnolinguistics, Religion and Culture.
Volume 7, No. 2. Special Issue Indigenous Elements in Tibetan Religions
, Prague.

Beyer, S. (1978) The Cult of Tara : Magic and Ritual in Tibet. Berkeley-Los Angeles-London, pp. 318-359 [I ed. 1973].

Blondeau, A.M. (1998)  Tibetan Mountain Deities, their cults and Representations, Wien.

Blondeau, A.M. (2008)  Le Réseau des mille dieux et démons : mythes et classifications,
in “Revue d’études tibetaines”, vol. 15, pp. 197-250.

Butler, C. (1996) Torma, the Tibetan Ritual Cake, in Yeshi, P. and Russell, J. (eds) “Cho Yang”, n. 7, pp. 38-52.

Corneille Jest (1974) Tarap, une vallèe dans l’Himalaya. Paris

Dagyab Rinpoche, L.S. (1977) Tibetan Religious Art, Wiesbaden, p. 61 (plates 88-89 and chapter 22).

Dagyab Rinpoche, L.S. (1995) Buddhist Symbols in Tibetan Culture: An Investigation
of the Nine Best-Known Groups of Symbols
, Boston [München, 1992].

David-Neel, A. (1932) Magic and Mystery in Tibet, New York.

Dorje, G. (2003) A Rare Series of Tibetan Banners, in N. Allan (ed.) “Pearls of the Orient”, London and Chicago, pp. 161-77.

Dowman, K. (1996) Sky Dancer. The Secret Life and Songs of the Lady Yeshe Tsogyel, London [I ed. 1984].

Dowman, K. (1997) The Sacred Life of Tibet, London.

Essen, G.W., Thingo, T.T.  (1989) Die Gotter des Himalaya,  Munchen, vol. II, p. 239 (ill. 518 and 519 0 553).

Fárkas, J.,  Szabó, T. (2002) The Pictorial World of Tibeto-Mongolian Deities, Budapest.

Fleming, Z. (2002) An Introduction to Zan par, in Lo Bue, E. (ed.) “The Tibet Journal” XXVII/1-2, pp. 197-216.

Fleming, Z. (2011) The Ritual Significance of Zan par, in Lo Bue, E. (ed.) “Art in Tibet and the Himalayas. Issues in Traditional Tibetan Art from the Seventh to the Twentieth Century” (Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies Oxford, 2003), vol. 13, Leiden–Boston, pp. 161-168.

Jian, C., Zheng, W. (2000) Precious Deposits, Historical Relics of Tibet, China, vol. 3,   Beijing, pp. 305-313 (plate 118).

Karmay, G.S. (1988) Secret Visions of the Fifth Dalai Lama, London.

Karmay, G.S., Watt, J. (Eds.) (2008) Bon: The Magic Word: the Indigenous Religion of Tibet
(RMA), New York, p. 217 (plate 88).

Köpke, W., Schmelz B. (Eds.) (2005) Die Welt des Tibetischen Buddhismus: Mitteilungen
aus dem Museum für Völkerkunde Hamburg,
NF. Band 36: 420, 866

Kvaerne, P. (1995) The Bon Religion of Tibet, London.

Lalou, M. (1952) Rituel Bon po des funérailles royales, inJournal Asiatique”, vol. CCXL/3, pp. 341-61.

Mayer, R. (2014) Indigenous Elements in Tibetan Tantric Religion in Berounsky, D. (ed.)
“Mongolo-Tibetica Pragensia ’14. Linguistics, Ethnolinguistics, Religion and Culture. Volume 7, No. 2.
Special Issue Indigenous Elements in Tibetan Religions”, Prague, pp. 35-53.

Muller, C.C., Raunig, W. (1982) Der Weg zum Dach der Welt, Innsbruck, pp. 250-254.

Nebesky-Wojkowitz, R. de (1975) Oracles and Demons of Tibet: The Cult and Iconography of the Tibetan Protective Deities, Graz [Gravenhage, I ed. 1956], pp. 319-320, 346, 353, 359-363, 371, 377, 475, 503, 507, 509-511, 517-524, 368
(plate VIII).

Nepal, hommes et dieux (1969) supplement anonyme au tome IV fasc. 4 de la revue “Objets et Mondes” du Musèe de l’Homme, Paris, p. 30 (fig. 36).

Norbu, N. (1995) Drung, Deu and Bon, Dharamsala.

Olson, E. (1960) Tibetan Art,  Santa Fe, p. 12 (plate 10).

Olson, E. (1971) Catalogue of the Tibetan Collection in The Newark Museum,  Newark (N.J.), vol. 3, pp. 26-27 (plate 23).

Pal, P. (1969) The Art of Tibet, New York, pp. 119 (plate 101), 157.

Pannier, F. (2015) Les zan par, in “Lettre du toit du monde”, n. 15, Paris.

Parfionovitch,Y.- Dorje,G.-Meyer, F. (1992) Tibetan Medical Paintings, London.

Pommaret, F., Achard, J.L. (2010) Le réseau des mille dieux et démons ..

Pott, P.H. (1951) “Introduction to the Tibetan Collection of the National Museum of Ethnology”
Leiden, plate XXV– p. 123, items 2739/129-132.

Ramble, C. (2008) The Navel of the Demoness. Tibetan Buddhism and Civil Religion in Highland Nepal, Oxford.

Ramble, C. (2014) Real and Imaginary Tibetan Chimeras and their Special Powers
in Berounsky, D. (ed.) “Mongolo-Tibetica Pragensia ’14. Linguistics, Ethnolinguistics, Religion and Culture.
Volume 7, No. 2. Special Issue Indigenous Elements in Tibetan Religions”, Prague, pp. 13-33.

Rawson, P.S. (1971) Tantra: Hayward Gallery, London
(testo uguale, ma meno illustrazioni in The Art of Tantra, London, 1973).

Reynolds, V. (1978) Tibet. A Lost World, New York, p. 63 (plate 117).

Reynolds, V., Heller, A., Gyatso, J. (1987) The Newark Museum Tibetan Collection.
Volume III: Sculpture and Painting
, Newark (N.J.).

Reynolds,V. (1999) From the Sacred Realm. Treasures of Tibetan Art from the Newark Museum, Newark (N.J.).

Sacco, A.M. (2013) I gtor-ma, dolci propiziatori della liturgia tibetana, in “Quaderni Asiatici”, n. 102, Milano, pp. 127-146.

Schaeffer, K.R., Kapstein, M., Tuttle,G. (2013) Sources of Tibetan Tradition Columbia University press, N.Y. pp.272-273

Schlagintweit, E. (1863) Buddhism in Tibet, illustrated by literaly documents and objects of religious worship, with an account of the Buddhist system preceeding it in India, London (poi Paris, 1881, Delhi, 1968), pp. 265-274 – three figures n. 14-15-16).

Snellgrove, D.L. (1957) Buddhist Himālaya: Travels and Studies in Quest of the Origins and Nature of Tibetan Religion, Oxford.

Snellgrove, D.L. (1967) The Nine Ways of Bon: Excerpts from gZi-brjid, London.

Sotheby’s (1985) Catalogue of Tibetan Art, New York, 20-21 Sept., lot 37 “Yak-bone zan par”.

Sotheby’s (2014) Himalayan Works of Art, New York 19 March, lot 80 as “Ivory zan par”.

Stein, R.A. (1981) La civilisation tibétaine, Paris [I ed. 1962]

Thurman, R.A.F.-Weldom, D. (1999) Sacred Symbols The Ritual Art of Tibet, New York.

Tucci, G – Heissig,W. (1973) Les religions du Tibet et de la Mongolie (Paris)

Tucci, G. (1976)  Le religioni del Tibet, Roma, pp. 205-260 [Stuttgart, I ed. 1970].

Waddel, L.A. (1895) The Buddhism of Tibet or Lamaism, London, pp. 420-425, 498-99.


Sitography :

in Italian :

Franco Bellino

Zan par tibetani : un mondo nelle tue mani.

Zan par del Tibet. Bibliografia mirata e arricchita. E.. dove nel mondo ?

Perché collezionare zan par del Tibet. Se non puzza, puzza.

Zan par del Tibet : proposta di criteri per una classificazione.


in English

Franco Bellino

Golden tips for collecting Tibetan zan par. Why collect a zan par.

Zan par, Tibetan wooden moulds. A focused and enriched bibliography. And where ?

(Himalayan Art resources propone alcune fotografie interessanti di zan par)

Blurton, R.T.
The British Museum Collection online. Mould. Museum n.2004,0506.1

Zaharack, B.
(1998)  Zan Par (Dough moulds).


in French :

Francois Pannier

“Zan par”


Zan Par : where ?

I think that it might prove useful to add to my Focused Bibliography and Site List a further list
of the public collections everywhere in the world where one can see and study Tibetan zan par.
Obviously this is a work in progress: my list covers probably less than 20% of the real situation.
I am consciously risking this first rash step to stimulate everybody everywhere
to participate by adding names of museums, public and private collections and even antique galleries having zan par. It would be lovely to have, for each location, the Museum’s inventory numbers and photos of the zan par.  Museums who have zan par with catalogue number or photos show an * at the end of the line. For some locations I’m still waiting for confirmation. So to these I will add “wfc“. I also list some Museums that do not have zan par because even a “No” can be an useful information to avoid wasting of time in futile research. I will personally give my thanks for each contribution and will always quote the source. Moreover, I will be extremely happy to honour every new contributor to this list of zan par locations with cicheti and ombre in Venice


Amsterdam Nederland (Rijksmuseum)

Ann Arbor MI USA (University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology)

Antwerp Belgio (Ethnografisch Museum n. A.E. 73.15.3 – 73.16.4 – 73.16.5  thanks to Hans Roth)*

Avila Espana (Museo de Arte Oriental)

Barog Dolanji India (Bon Religion & Culture Museum)

Basel Switzerland (Museum der Kulturen) wfc

Bath UK (The Museum of the East Asian Art)

Beijing China (The Capital Museum) wfc

Beijing China (Mentougou Lingshan Tibetan Museum)

Beijing China (Institute of Tibetan Studies at Imperial Palace)

Beijing China (China-Tibet Institute Collection)

Berlin Germany (Das Tibet Museum) wfc from Beatrice Della Pasqua

Berlin Germany (Museum fur Asiatische Kunst)

Berlin Germany (The Museum of Indian Art) wfc from Beatrice Della Pasqua

Biarritz France (Asiatica. Musée d’Art Asiatique) wfc from Michel Postel and Francois Pannier

Bloomington IN USA (Antoinette Gordon Collection. No zan par.Thanks to Elliot H. Sperling)

Boston USA (Museum of Fine Arts)

Bremen Germany (Übersee-Museum  3 zanpar : 020#A1 3926 – 020#A1 6213 – 020#A1 6259  Thanks to Hans Roth)

Bristol UK (Bristol Museum and Art Gallery)

Bruxelles Belgium (Museum of the Far East) /Museum van Kunst en Geschiedenis

Budapest Hungary (Ferenc Hopp Museum of East Asian Arts)

Buryat Russia (Buryat Historical Museum)

Cambridge UK (International Association of Tibetan Sudies IATS)

Cannes France (Musèe de la Castre. No zan par, only one ‘parshing’ n. 2005.0.45.
Thanks to Christophe Roustan Delatour)

Charlottesville Virginia USA (Ligmincha Institute)

Chicago USA (The Field Museum of Natural History)

Chicago USA (Chicago Art Institute)

Cleveland Ohio USA (Cleveland Museum of Art)

Dallas Texas USA (Crow Collection of Asian Art)

Darjeeling Sikkim India (The Himalayan Tibet Museum)

Denver CO USA (Denver Art Museum)

Deorali Gangtok Sikkim India. (Namgyal Institute of Tibetology)

Dharamsala India (Bod-kyi Demtonkhang, Tibet Museum)

Dharamsala Himachal Pradesh India (Norbulingka Institute)

Digne-les-Bains France (Samten Dzong. Fondation Alexandra David-Neel.Thanks to Patrick Booz)

Dolanji India (Dolanji Monastery Museum)

Dublin Ireland (Chester Beatty Library)

Durham UK (Oriental Museum)

Edinburgh Scotland UK (National Museum of Scotland A.1952.166) *

Edinburgh Scotland UK (National Museum of Ethnography)(perhaps the same as above)

Erie PA USA (Erie Art Museum)

Firenze Italia (Museo di Antropologia ed Etnologia) wfc from Gloria Rosselli

Genève Suisse (Fondation Baur. Musèe des Arts d’Extreme Orient)

Genève Suisse (MEG. Musèe d’Ethnographie)

Genova Italia (Museo d’Arte Orientale Edoardo Chiossone) wfc

Glasgow Scotland UK (Kelvingrove Museum)

Glasgow Scotland UK (the Burrell Collection)

Gruyères Suisse (Tibet Museum) wfc

Gubbio Italia (Museo Civico Palazzo dei Consoli. Collezione Orientale. No zan par.
Thanks to Roberto Borsellini)

Hamburg Germany (Museum für Völkerkunde) (In the collection, there are three zan par. They were collected in 1914 in eastern Tibet (Kham) by Walther Stötzner (Stoetzner).The numbers are : 25.28:51 – 25.28:52 – 25.28:246 They were published and briefly described in German in this exhibition catalogue: Köpke, Wulf und Bernd Schmelz (Hg.). 2005. Die Welt des Tibetischen Buddhismus: Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Völkerkunde Hamburg, NF. Band 36: 420, 866 Thanks to Susanne Knoedel) and one more zan par Nr. 001#73.56:1 Thanks to Hans Roth

Hannover Germany (Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum,Vö the future 3 zanpars from Sammlung Schriever)

Hemis Ladakh (Hemis Gompa Museum. Thanks to Zara Fleming)

Hong Kong, China

Hunder Valley Ladakh (Diskit Monastery. Thanks to Zara Fleming *

Itanagar Arunachal Pradesh India. (Jawaharlal Nehru State Museum)

Kabul Afghanistan (National Museum of Afghanistan)

Kansas City USA (The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art)

Kathmandu Nepal (Shechen Archives, hoping they still exist)

Kathmandu Nepal (Tsering Art School, hoping it still exists)

Koln Germany (Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst 021#Rb77,6a – 021#Rb77,6b  Thanks to Hans Roth)

Lhasa Tibet (Tibet Museum)

Leiden Germany (Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde) wfc from Beatrice Della Pasqua

Lisboa Portugal (Portugal Museo do Oriente)

Liverpool UK (World Museum)

London England (The British Museum) wfc from Zara Fleming

London England (Victoria and Albert Museum – catalogue 154-1948 plus thanks to Hans Roth 7 zanpar.
Museum Nr. 04910 I.S. – I.S. 4-1948 – I.S. 79-1948 – I.S. 23-1965 – 04909 I.S. -
not sure about his one : 04912 I.S. – 04914 I.S.
and 04913 I.S. which looks like a clay imprint and not a zan par according to Zara Fleming) *

London England (Horniman Museum. NN3653 or now 111027. See One more zan par, not on line.  It is nn4430. Thanks to Zara Fleming and to Hans Roth)

Loretto PA USA (Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art)

Los Angeles USA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art)

 Germany (Lübecker Museen, Völkerkundesammlung 002#2014.5:267  Thanks to Hans Roth)

Madrid Espana (Museo Nacional de Antropologìa)

Manchester UK (the Manchester Museum)

Milano Italia (MUDEC Museo delle Culture  wfc from Vanna Scolari

Milano Italia (PIME Pontificio Istituto Missioni Estere. No zan par. Thanks to Vanna Scolari)

Milano Italia (Collezione Grassi di Arte Orientale al GAM No zan par.
Thanks to Alessandro Oldani)

Modena Italia (Museo Civico Archeologico Etnologico)

Moscow Russia (the State Museum of Oriental Art)

Mumbai India (Prince of Wales Museum of Art) wfc from Bapu Manvendra Singh

München Germany (Museum Fünf Kontinente 037#74-15-605 – 037#74-15-604 – 037# D 65 – 037#74-15-606               Thanks to Hans Roth)

Munich Germany wfc from Beatrice Della Pasqua

Napoli Italia (Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte)

Napoli Italia (Museo Orientale Umberto Scerrato)

Neuchatel Suisse (Musée d’Ethnographie)

Newark N.J. USA (The Tibetan Collection in the Newark Museum) *

New Delhi, India (National Museum of India) wfc from Bapu Manvendra Singh

New Delhi India (Tibet House Museum) wfc from Bapu Manvendra Singh

New Delhi India (National Crafts Museum) wfc from Bapu Manvendra Singh

New York USA (Rubin Museum of Art)

New York USA (American Museum of Natural History)

New York USA (Asia Society)

New York USA (Brooklyn Museum of Art)

New York (The Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art see > Staten Island) *

New York USA (The Metropolitan Museum of Art)

New York USA (Tibet House)

Nice France (Musèe des Arts Asiatiques)

Oxford, England (The Ashmolean Museum of Art & Archeology)
Oxford, England (Pitt Rivers Museum. n. 1992.11.1) *

Paris France (Musée Guimet catalogue 21.683 and 21.685) *

Paris France (ex-Musée de l’Homme catalogue M.H. 61.114.322) now to Quai Branly *

Paris France (Musée du Quai Branly n.71.1932.86.14 – 71.1932.86.11)

Paris France (Musée Cernuschi) no zanpar thanks to Francois Pannier

Parma Italia (Museo Cinese ed Etnologico)

Pasadena CA USA (Norton Simon Museum) wfc

Pasadena CA USA (Pacific Asia Museum) wfc

Patan Nepal (Patan Museum, hoping it still exists) wfc

Philadelphia PA USA (Philadelphia Museum of Art, n.1994-148-632) *

Philadelphia PA USA (Penn Museum n.29-96-813A and 22044) *

Philadelphia PA USA (University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. Thanks to Stephen Lang and to Patrick Booz)

Praga Repubblica Ceca (National Gallery) wfc

Praga Repubblica Ceca (Nàprstkovo Muzeum Nr. A 5685, thanks to Hans Roth)

Roma Italia (Museo Missionario Etnologico Vaticano) wfc from Nadia Fiussello

Roma Italia (Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale) wfc

Roma Italia (Museo Etnografico Pigorini) (No zan par. Thanks to Loretta Paderni)

Sainshand Mongolia (Danza Rabjaa Museum) wfc

Sainshand Mongolia (Sainshand Museum) wfc

San Diego CA USA (Museum of Art) wfc

San Francisco (Asian Art Museum. No zan par. Thanks to Bob Brundage)

Santa Barbara CA USA (Santa Barbara Museum of Art) wfc

Schriever Collection ( in the future at Hannover Nr. 028 0039 – 028 0046 – 028 0047 )

Seattle USA (Burke Museum) wfc

Seul South Korea (Hahn Cultural Foundation) wfc

Seul South Korea (Hwa Jeong Museum) wfc

Seul South Korea (Daewon-sa Tibetan Museum)

Shanghai China (Shanghai Bowuguan)

Shimla Himachal Pradesh, India. (Shimla State Museum)

Sidney Australia (Art Gallery of New South Wales)

Sierra Madre CA USA (Kham Aid Foundation. Thanks to Pam Logan)

Singapore Republic of Singapore (Asian Civilisations Museum)

Sogyeok-dong, Jongno-su Seul, South Korea (Tibet Museum)

Stanford CA (Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Center) wfc

Staten Island NY USA 10306
(Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art, 11 zan par not yet catalogued. *
Thanks to Meg Ventrudo)

Stockolm Sweden (Ostasiatiska Museet)

Tokyo Japan (Asian Art Museum)

Torino Italia (Museo Arte Orientale MAO) (No zan par. Thanks to Claudia Ramasso)

Toronto Canada (Royal Ontario Museum) wfc

Trieste Italia (Civico Museo d’Arte Orientale)

Ulaan Baatar Mongolia (Chojin Lama Museum)

Ulaan Baatar Mongolia (Bogd Khan Winter Palace Museum)

Ulaan Baatar Mongolia (Zanabazar Museum of Fine Arts)

Ulaan Baatar Mongolia (Tashi Choling Monastery)

Ulaan Baatar Mongolia (Gandenteg Chinien Monastery)

Urbana IL USA (Spurlock Museum n. 2014.01.0003 e 00046) *

Valladolid Espana (Museo Oriental de Valladolid)

Venezia Italia (Museo d’Arte Orientale) (No zan par.Thanks to Marta Boscolo Marchi)

Washington USA (Freer/Sackler, The Smithsonian’s Museums of Asian Art)

Wien Austria (Weltmuseum)

Wien Austria (Museum fur Volkerkunde – 3 zan par : one is Museum Nr. 117899, thanks to Hans Roth) *

Yale USA (Yale University Art Gallery)

Zurich Schweitz (Rietberg Museum) wfc

Dear Hans,

thanks again so much for your precious help.


Before publishing the data, I’d like to check if I got them right.

In total you sent me data of 13 zanpar. 8 from the Victoria and Albert Museum in London,

1 from Wien, 1 from Prag and 3 from Antwerp in Belgium.


I synthesize here your data :


ORT    Museum                                            Nr.                  Mu Nr.                        Material












002 0043       Lübeck, Lübecker Museen, Völkerkundesammlung

002#2014.5:267      Holz






028 0039       Sammlung Schriever                                                                                    Holz

028 0046       Sammlung Schriever                                                                                    Holz

028 0047       Sammlung Schriever                                                                                    Holz



036 0054       London, Horniman Museum                        036#nn4430             Holz

036 0198       London, Horniman Museum                        036#nn3653             Holz









6 Responses to “Zan par, Tibetan wooden moulds. A focused and enriched bibliography. And where ?”

  1. Graham Day says:

    Hello, I have a small collection of Zan Par would you like images of them?
    Regards Graham Day

  2. Franco says:

    Mi scrive oggi Hans Roth

    Universität Bonn – Institut für Orient- und Asienwissenschaften – Abteilung für Mongolistik und Tibetologie

    Hans è di una rarissima e squisita gentilezza. Purtroppo non ho il tempo ora di verificare
    se le sue indicazioni sono già state incorporate oppure no nei miei elenchi qui sopra.
    Perciò in attesa di poter controllare, pubblico il suo prezioso messaggio esattamente come l’ho ricevuto :

    Dear Franco,
    I am not sure if I gave you last time all museum-numbers of the Zan-pa from the archive.
    I give you here now again my Archiv Code Numbers. You remember :
    first number: My Museum Code (p.ex.1 = Museum Hamburg),
    the following Nr. is my running number (1-152 the 152 piece in Hamburg).
    Please let me know of which museums you have not got before the museum numbers from me.

    1 – 152 35 – 233 41 – 545
    1 – 215 35 – 255
    1 – 216 35 – 257 43 – 126
    1 – 636 35 – 258
    35 – 259 53 – 050
    2 – 043 35 – 260 53 – 051
    35 – 261 53 – 052
    20 – 084
    20 – 012 36 – 054 67 – 98
    20 – 120 36 – 198

    21 – 213 37 – 519
    21 – 214 37 – 521
    37 – 522
    28 – 039 37 – 523
    28 – 046 37 – 964
    28 – 047
    40 – 2020

    I hope this helps you a little bit more. In course of the next year you get photos from me of the 5 Munich (37= München) objects.
    All the best for you


  3. Il copia-incolla ha sconvolto l’ordine delle segnature di Hans Roth. Provo a ripubblicarla qui :

    1 : 152-215-216-636

    2 : 043

    20 : 084-012-120

    21 : 213-214

    28 : 039-046-047

    35 : 233-255-257-258-259-260-261

    36 : 054-198

    37 : 519-521-522-523-964

    40 : 2020

    41 : 545

    43 : 126

    53 : 050-051-052

    67 : 98

  4. Franco Bellino says:

    Additions to the Bibliography focused on Zan par :

    Bellezza, John Vincent (2017 )
    ZENPAR. Tibetan wooden moulds for the creation of dough figures in esoteric rituals”
    in ARTS of ASIA Vol.47 issue 5 Sept.-Oct. 2017 p.132

    Lo Bue, Erberto (1997) review of ‘Art of Tibet’ by Fisher E. Robert – Ldn 1997 in TIBET

    Zaharack, Brian (1998) “Zan Par” June 6th, 1998

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